My Teabag Series reflects my personal observations and concern about declining bird and insect populations. By choosing to depict these birds and insects on repurposed teabags I try to convey the ephemeral yet resilient nature of these animals who are at risk of extinction due to loss of habitat, pesticides, and climate change. I’ve long admired the diaphanous teabag. I love the way they seem fragile yet are surprisingly sturdy. After they are steeped and dried, I unfold and empty them, and then I iron them flat. The pieces of paper resemble parchments, small stories of collections of moments.
They Love Clouds, Lino Print on 6 Repurposed Teabags
Becoming, Linoprint on 12 repurposed teabags, 16” x 18”
Vanishing, Linoprint on 6 teabags, 12” x 12”
Moody, Linoprint on 12 teabags, 16” x 18”
It’s Time, linoprint on 6 teabags, 12” x 12”
Waiting, Linoprint on 6 teabags
Fragile, linoprint on 24 teabags mounted on wood panel, 18” x 24”
Messengers, Linoprint on 24 teabags mounted on painted wood, 24” x 24”
Flock, Linoprint and gouache on 32 teabags mounted on painted wood panel, 30” x 24”
Fade, Linoprint on 24 teabags mounted on painted wood panel, 24” x 24”
Birdsong, Linoprint on 24 Teabagsmounted on wood panel, 24”x24”
Into Thin Air, Linoleum print on 24 teabags mounted on painted wood panel, 24” x 24”
Metamorphosis, Linocut on 4 teabags with gouache and metal leaf mounted on wood 9”x12”
Pollinators, Linoprint on teabags mounted on painted wood panel, 18” x 12”
Hairy Woodpecker, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”
Wren, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”
Sing Cicada, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”
Caterpillar, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”
Bluejay, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”
Now it Says, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”
Brood X, Teabag, gouache, ink on wood panel 4”x6”